Fluttershy 243 stories
  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.
    Created by Fluttershy20
    - October, 2014
Found 229 stories in 52ms

Total Words: 1,807,221
Estimated Reading: 5 days


  • Favourites 80 stories - 0 unread chapters The best of the best (in my opinion) on this site :D

  • Tracking 106 stories - 58 unread chapters Stories yet to be completed and being watched

  • Completed works 269 stories Just a collection of stories that have run their course

  • One-shots 417 stories Stories that have only chapter.

  • Twishy 83 stories - 0 unread chapters The one ship to out sail them all (in my opinion, anyway). This is a bookshelf for friendshipping where Fluttershy and Twilight are the main characters, and romantic shipping where they are together.

  • Fluttershy 243 stories - 0 unread chapters The most adorable pony in the world. No exceptions.

  • Romance 186 stories - 0 unread chapters Does what it says on the tin, I guess

  • Twilight Sparkle 207 stories - 0 unread chapters This shelf covers books on Twilight Sparkle, as bookworm and Princess bookworm

  • Rainbow Dash 69 stories - 0 unread chapters The fastest pegasus to have ever lived. This covers all stories she features in, either alone or as a co-star

  • Applejack 43 stories - 0 unread chapters The country girl with the honest art. Like the others, this covers Applejack as a main star or a co-star.

  • Rarity 40 stories The fashionista with a generous and kind heart. This covers stories where Rarity is the main star or the co-star

  • Pinkie Pie 30 stories The pony everypony knows and loves. This shelf covers all stories staring Pinkie Pie, either as the main star or the co-star

  • Mane Six 105 stories - 0 unread chapters A shelf with the tage of the entire mane six. Note, individual tags on one or two characters doesn't count.

  • Multi-Chapter Stories 104 stories - 0 unread chapters Finished and on-going stories that have multiple chapters.

  • Celestia and Princesses 10 stories - 0 unread chapters All stories (complete and uncomplete) about the best Princess of Equestria and her sister and niece


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Fluttershy, ever the happy animal caretaker, is approached by an animal, specifically a snake named Anika, who wants to take care of her for a change.

Contains hypnosis and peaceful cuddles with absolutely no harm coming to Fluttershy whatsoever.

Anika is the property of FluffyXai!

EDIT: I've disabled comments on this story. For some reason, this story was getting comments every so often that would be from a brand-new user, were practically a full copy-paste of earlier comments by other people, and had random links that I didn't trust squirreled into them. I have no idea why this story of all stories is getting that, but that explains why the comments are disabled.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is quiet today. Disturbingly quiet. So are all of Fluttershy's friends. But Fluttershy is completely comfortable with it. She loves days like this...

Chapters (1)

Drone 319, Queen Chrysalis's top spy in Ponyville, finds himself hovering over Ciderfest tied to a balloon. Why? He doesn't know. When asked what he's doing, he says the first thing that comes to mind to keep his cover.

"I'm a Zeppelin."

Picture art https://derpibooru.org/301934

[Featured 11/11-17/2016 :yay:]

(Now with audio reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqaOKuSnH1I&feature=youtu.be)

Chapters (1)

It's that time of the year again.

Fluttershy's locked her door tight, shut the blinds, and set Angel Bunny on guard duty.

All's going well until she hears the door unlocking, and then all of Tartarus breaks loose as she flees from the approaching Wraith.

A silly, fluffy little fic.
Written for DarqFox's Nightmare Night Challenge on the TwiShy group.

Chapters (1)

“To rise triumphant, to be proclaimed a victor was always her dream.

But when the shy mare fulfills her dream, she is left with a choice.

To stay a victor, or become a hero?”

Edited by Vertigo-01

Chapters (1)

While enjoying a quiet afternoon in her cottage Fluttershy is suddenly surprised by Pinkie Pie, alongside her sister Marble Pie. Marble is visiting Ponyville, but because Pinkie is busy on that day she decides to leave her sister in the hooves of Fluttershy for the afternoon. As the two of them are alone, the shy mares begin to talk to each other.

Well, sort of.

Chapters (1)

After a chilly night, Rarity catches a cold, so Applejack goes down to take care of her until she gets better. What better than a yummy, hot tomato soup? Maybe a lullaby and a belly rub.

Chapters (1)

After the ineffective advice from Iron Will, Pinkie takes the timid Fluttershy under her hooves to teach her to face her fears, at the same time that Twilight and her friends notice things have gone very much amiss around Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Twilight helps her friend perform a sonic boom. But when she does, it reminds the mare of someone gone from her life. In the end, Twilight is there to remind her she's not really gone.

This is my FIRST story, please feel free to put in any -constructive- criticism that you may have so I can become better! Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

Also, BIG thanks to Starlitalpha for the massive help and support given! Without it I probably wouldn't have had the courage to post this :). Thanks again!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie would never pull a prank on Fluttershy, at least not until Fluttershy asks her to! Now she has to come up with a special prank just for Fluttershy without ruining their friendship. The only problem is, she has her eyes set a little bit higher than just

Chapters (1)